Scripture Study

Scripture Study:  SS
John 5:39
What is Scripture?
Bible, Book of Mormon                           A of F 1:8
From God through Holy Ghost                2 Peter 1:20-21
Word of God; His voice                           D&C 18:34-36

Why Scriptures Written:
Benefit of posterity:                                 Abraham 1:31; 2 Ne 4:15
Believe in Christ                                      John 20:31
Remember Lord’s doings in all lands     1 Nephi 19:18, 22-23
Lead people to do right                           Alma 31:5
To help us remember                             Mosiah 1:5
Give wisdom, doctrine, correction          2 Timothy 3:15-17 JST
Search to verify truth                              Acts 17:11
Tell all things to do                                  2 Nephi 32:
Mediate = Observe = Success                Joshua 1:8
Give Instruction                                       D&C 33:16
Contain fullness of gospel                       D&C 42:12
Not be deceived                                      JS-Matt 1:37
Sever from devil, Lead to Christ             Helaman 3:29
Continue to receive                                 A of F 1:9
Light to our path                                      Psalms 119:105

Promise:                Introduction of BoM (last 2 para) & Moroni 10:3-5

"One of the most sacred purposes for which the scriptures were written was to make it possible for all to know Christ. The scriptures teach and testify of Jesus Christ. They teach us much that we need to know and to do to return to the presence of the Savior.
                L. Lionel Kendrick, April 1993 General Conference

Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high.  They can become the key to open the channel to communion with our Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
  Richard G. Scott, October 2011 General Conference

The years have taught me that if we will energetically pursue this worthy personal goal [of scripture study] in a determined and conscientious manner, we shall indeed find answers to our problems and peace in our hearts. We shall experience the Holy Ghost broadening our understanding, find new insights, witness an unfolding pattern of all scripture; and the doctrines of the Lord shall come to have more meaning to us than we ever thought possible. As a consequence, we shall have greater wisdom with which to guide ourselves and our families.”                                           
Spencer W. Kimball, Sept 1975, Ensign

Reading and studying the scriptures continues to build our faith, helps us resist temptation, and allows us to grow closer to Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
                Vicki F. Matsumori, April 2007 General Conference

To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship.  It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort and be a source of motivation for needed change.  

Richard G. Scott, October 2011, General Conference

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