Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost:  HG
John 14:26
Purposes of the Holy Ghost:
Truth of All things                                     Moroni 10:5
Testifies of Christ                                     1 Cor. 12:3 & 3 Ne 28:11
Sanctifies after Baptism                           3 Ne 27:20
Holy Spirit of Promise                              D&C 132:7

Through the instrumentality of the Holy Ghost, His Spirit comforts those who mourn, teaches and testifies to those who thirst for the truth, purifies the brokenhearted who would be clean, and warns of dangers which lie ahead.   
                          Spencer J. Condie, October 1993, General Conf.

How the Holy Ghost speaks to us:
Heart and Mind                                        D&C 8:2
Brings Joy, peace                                    Romans 15:13
Leads to do Good                                    D&C 11:12
Enlighten Mind, Fill soul with Joy              D&C 11:13
Speaks quietly                                         1 Kings 19:11-12
Line upon Line                                         Isaiah 28:10
Fruit of the Spirit                                      Galatians 5:22-23
Knowledge                                              D&C 121:26            
How to receive the Holy Ghost:
Keep commandments and love God         John 14:21
Ask                                                          D&C 88:63 & Matt7:7
Fast and Pray                                          Alma 5:46
Hearken to Spirit- leads to covenants       D&C 84:46-48
Charity and Virtue                                    D&C 121: 45-46                      
We become so accustomed to learning through our physical senses—by sight and sound and smell, by taste and touch—that some of us seem to learn in no other way.         But there are spiritual things that are not registered that way at all. Some things we simply feel, not as we feel something we touch, but as we feel something we feel.    There are things, spiritual things that are registered in our minds and recorded in our memories as pure knowledge. A knowledge of “things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass.” (D&C 88:79; see also D&C 93:24, and Jacob 4:13.) As surely as we know about material things, we can come to know of spiritual things.                             
                                Boyd K. Packer; April 1977 General Conference
As you appropriately seek for and apply unto the spirit of revelation, I promise you will “walk in the light of the Lord. Sometimes the spirit of revelation will operate immediately and intensely, other times subtly and gradually, and often so delicately you may not even consciously recognize it. But regardless of the pattern whereby this blessing is received, the light it provides will illuminate and enlarge your soul, enlighten your understanding, and direct and protect you and your family.                     
David A. Bednar, April 2011 General Conference
These four words—“Receive the Holy Ghost”—are not a passive pronouncement; rather, they constitute a priesthood injunction—an authoritative admonition to act and not simply to be acted upon. The Holy Ghost does not become operative in our lives merely because hands are placed upon our heads and those four important words are spoken. As we receive this ordinance, each of us accepts a sacred and ongoing responsibility to desire, to seek, to work, and to so live that we indeed “receive the Holy Ghost” and its attendant spiritual gifts.                                                               David A. Bednar, Oct 2010 General Conference
The most valuable inspiration will be for you to know what God would have you do. If it is to pay tithing or to visit a grieving friend, you should do it. Whatever it is, do it. When you demonstrate your willingness to obey, the Spirit will send you more impressions of what God would have you do for Him. 
As you obey, the impressions from the Spirit will come more frequently, becoming closer and closer to constant companionship. Your power to choose the right will increase.

Henry B. Eyring, Oct 2015 General Conference

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