Stories of Christ: Story 28

Christ Heals a man on the Sabbath

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
Heals a Man on the Sabbath
Sabbath Day Observance
NT 27
John 5: 2-12
Heals man on Sabbath Day; Kids explain
Rest on the 7th day.
I Feel My Savior's Love
Jesus Heals on Sabbath

The first video is a fun one of children explaining the story and what it teaches.  The second video is from the bible stories library.

The principle of keeping the Sabbath Day Holy has been emphasized in the past few years.  The leaders of our day find this principle of utmost importance, shouldn't we as well?

No law in all scripture has been more clearly defined than that of the Sabbath. … It is one of the laws most dear to the heart of God. Yet is noted far more in its desecration than in its acceptance and proper observance. We constantly talk about he worldliness of the present day ... What can we do to protect ourselves under these hazardous circumstances? How can we better help our young people to remain unspotted from the world? The Lord gives us the answer, and says that it can be done by sincerely observing the Sabbath day. ... The Lord does know what he is talking about. Sabbath observance will help us to more fully remain unspotted from the world. If we are serious about avoiding the contamination of worldliness, shall we not take his word at face value and believe it and practice it?
Mark E. Petersen; April 1975, General Conference

The calendar with Sunday circled.  It is a special day.

Stories of Christ: Story 27

Peter Testifies of Christ

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
271-DecPeter Testifies of ChristCHRISTTestimonyNT 32Matt 16:13-17Thou Art the ChristWe must receive a testimony of CHRIST through the spirit.I Lived in Heaven CS 4


This is a great opportunity to bear your testimony of Jesus Christ to your children.  Explain how the spirit works in your life and how he can also testify to them of the divinity of Christ.

One of the greatest things about our Heavenly Father’s plan for His children is that each of us can know the truth of that plan for ourselves. That revealed knowledge does not come from books, from scientific proof, or from intellectual pondering. As with the Apostle Peter, we can receive that knowledge directly from our Heavenly Father through the witness of the Holy Ghost.
Dallin H. Oaks, Testimony, April 2008 General Conference

Stories of Christ: Story 26

Christ walks on water

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
2630-NovWalking on the Water⃝ FootprintFocus/ PrioritiesNT 29Matt 14:22-23 Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?Jesus rescuing PeterThe footprint of the Lord who walked on water.Abide with Me HB 166


This story helps us remember how important it is to have our priorities correct, to keep our focus on the Savior.

Peter chose to believe in Jesus. He asked Jesus if he could come to Him, and he really did walk on the water. But when he began to pay more attention to what was happening around him, “the wind boisterous,” he began to sink. What are the winds boisterous in our lives? What are the things that distract us from the Savior, that turn our hearts and our minds away from Him? It may be thinking more about pleasing our friends or other people than we do about pleasing God. It may be the loud and confusing voices we hear on TV, in videos, in music. Sometimes we just don’t care. Our hearts are hard. There will always be distractions, winds boisterous, but if we choose to turn to the Lord, to believe in Him, to follow Him, we can increase our faith. When Peter began to sink, he turned to the Lord and cried out, “Lord, save me,” and Jesus immediately “stretched forth his hand, and caught him.” He will do that for you. He will do that for each one of us.
Patricia P. Pinegar, Increase in Faith, April 1994, General Conference


Stories of Christ: Story 25

Jesus Feeds the 5,000

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
2529-NovFeeds 5000FlagsMissionary WorkNT 28 & 30Matt 14:14-21 The Feeding of the 5,000Loaves and Fishes MiracleMissionary work to all the worldI Hope They Call Me on a Mission CS 169


This quote ties in the miracle of feeding the 5,000 with missionary work, our responsibility to help others find the bread of life.

“Today, some may think the miracle of the loaves and fishes is only an ancient story and is not relevant in our day. In so doing, they miss the point of this miraculous story and do not understand the significance of the “bread of life”… “Knowing that Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life—the way by which all can receive eternal life—we have an important responsibility. We should seek to help people come to Him and partake of His word, like the people who were filled with the loaves and fishes. Our friends may not know they are hungry in spirit. They may try to consume many things to satisfy their spiritual hunger, and as a result, they may feel frustrated and lost. Let us help them know how they can be spiritually filled—by coming unto Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life.”
Elder Won Kong You, Lessons from the New Testament: Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, Ensign, March 2007

The flags from multiple countries represent the work of the Lord going to all the earth.

Stories of Christ: Story 24

Jesus Forgives a Woman

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
2428-NovJesus Forgives a Woman"Joy"RepentanceNT 26Luke 7:36-50Come unto Me Starting at 4:17Repentance brings PEACESweet is the Peace HB 14

This video is a Seminary video that teaches why we should come unto Christ.  Starting at 4 minutes 17 seconds is the story of the woman who washes Christ's feet with her tears and dries them with her hair.  He then teaches those with him of love and forgiveness.

Jesus Christ wants to forgive us.  He wants us to come unto Him.
“There are many degrees of personal worthiness and righteousness. Yet repentance is a blessing to all of us. We each need to feel the Savior’s arms of mercy through the forgiveness of our sins. “I am amazed at the Savior’s encircling arms of mercy and love for the repentant, no matter how selfish the forsaken sin. I testify that the Savior is able and eager to forgive our sins. Except for the sins of those few who choose perdition after having known a fullness, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. What a marvelous privilege for each of us to turn away from our sins and to come unto Christ. Divine forgiveness is one of the sweetest fruits of the gospel, removing guilt and pain from our hearts and replacing them with joy and peace of conscience”
Elder Neil L. Anderson “Repent … That I May Heal You,” Oct 2009, General Conference

Forgiveness brings JOY!

Stories of Christ: Story 23

Jesus Heals a Woman of Faith

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
2327-NovWoman Touches Jesus's ClothesButton WreathFaith = ActionNT 25Mark 5:25-34Jesus Heals a Woman of FaithJesus Heals woman who touches his clothesButton and Cloth representng ClothesFaith CS 96


Faith must be more than a belief it must move us to action and obedience to the commandments of the Lord.

A “certain woman” made that choice and felt His touch. “And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, “Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched… I have asked myself what might have happened if this woman with the issue of blood had not believed in the Savior enough to make whatever effort was necessary to touch the border of His robe. In that throng I imagine getting even that close to Him took some doing. Yet, “nothing wavering,” she persisted.
In like manner, we must demonstrate that faith in the Lord has penetrated our hearts deeply enough to move us to action.”
Anne C. Pingree, To Look, Reach, and Come unto Christ, October 2006 General Conference

This wreath made of buttons and muslin represents the clothing that the woman had faith to touch and be healed,

Stories of Christ: Story 22

Calming the Sea

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
2226-NovStilling the Storm⃝ BoatFaith in ChristNT 21Matt 8:23-27 Calming the TempestStilling the StormThe boat was tossed to and fro.Master the Tempest is Raging HB 105


When we have faith in Jesus Christ we can feel the peace that only He can bring.  I love the song Master the Tempest is Raging and like to sing it as part of the story.

In turbulent and sometimes frightening times, the Savior's promise of infinite and eternal peace resonates with special power to us, just as His ability to calm the crashing waves must have profoundly affected those who were with Him on the Sea of Galilee that stormy night so long ago." M. Russell Ballard; April 2002, General Conference


Stories of Christ: Story 21

Jesus has Power over Death

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
Raises Daughter of Jairus
Power over Death
Mark 5: 22-24, 35-43Raises Daughter of Jairus
Power over the grave
The Priesthood is Restored
Raises Son of Widow of NainLuke 7:1-16Raises Son of Widow of Nain

These videos portray two times Jesus shows his power over death with miracles of Raising the Daughter of Jairus and Raising the Son of the Widow of Nain.

I enjoy this reminder that the Savior has power over death to bring life.  This applies not only to physical life, but to all aspects of our lives.  The Savior has the power to make it live and thrive.

"As [Jairus] besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death." … Then comes a great acknowledgement of faith: "I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live." These are not only the words of faith of a father torn with grief but are also a reminder to us that whatever Jesus lays his hands upon lives. It Jesus lays his hands upon a marriage, it lives. If he is allowed to lay his hands on the family, it lives.
Howard W. Hunter; October 1979, General Conference

Jesus Christ has power over death.