Advocate, Mediator, Intercessor

Advocate, Mediator, Intercessor: AMI
John 14:6

Atonement allows                                             D&C 45:3-5
Jesus testifies of His role                                D&C 110:4
Faith→cleaves to good→advocate                Moro. 7:28              

Between God & Men                                        1 Tim 2:5
Christ mediator of life                                        Gal 3:19-20 JST

Able to save                                                      Heb 7:25
Foreseen before birth                                       2 Ne. 2:9
Part of Father’s plan                                         Mosiah 15:8
Intercessory Prayer                                          John 17
To intercede means to reconcile, mediate, or plead for.
An advocate is like a lawyer who pleads a case or cause.
     New Testament Teacher Resource Manual, (2002), 126–29

Just before He went to Gethsemane for the last time, Jesus gave what is known as the great Intercessory Prayer. It is given this name because in it the Savior prayed to His Father on behalf of His disciples and all those who believe in their words.
      New Testament: Student Study guide, (2003), 89–90
Comprehending Him as our Advocate, Intercessor, and Mediator with the Father gives us assurance of His unequaled understanding, justice, and mercy.
                Russell M. Nelson, Ensign, Apr 2000, 4

Without the Savior’s birth and Atonement, we would have no Intercessor, no Advocate with the Father, and no Mediator who makes it possible for us to return to the presence of our loving Heavenly Father and live together as eternal families.
                Gary E. Stevenson. Ensign, December 2014

I believe that our Heavenly Father wants to save every one of his children.  I do not think he intends to shut any of us off. …
I believe that in his justice and mercy he will give us the maximum reward for our acts, give us all that he can give, and in the reverse, I believe that he will impose upon us the minimum penalty which it is possible for him to impose.”
                J. Reuben Clark, October 1953 General Conference

Each of us lives on a kind of spiritual credit. One day the account will be closed, a settlement demanded. However casually we may view it now, when that day comes and the foreclosure is imminent, we will look around in restless agony for someone, anyone, to help us.
     And, by eternal law, mercy cannot be extended save there be one who is both willing and able to assume our debt and pay the price and arrange the terms for our redemption.
     Unless there is a mediator, unless we have a friend, the full weight of justice untempered, unsympathetic, must, positively must fall on us. The full recompense for every transgression, however minor or however deep, will be exacted from us to the uttermost farthing.
     But know this: Truth, glorious truth, proclaims there is such a Mediator.

                Boyd K. Packer; April 1977, General Conference

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