Abrahamic Covenant

Abrahamic Covenant: AC
Psalms 33:12

Covenant:                              JST, Genesis 17:8-12; Abraham 2:8-11

Blessings of Abraham promised to others:

Isaac                                                       Genesis 26:3-5 & 24
Jacob/Israel:                                           Genesis 35:9-12
Joseph of Egypt:                                     JST Genesis 48:11
Joseph Smith                                          D&C 132:30-31
Latter-Day descendants:                         D&C 110:12; 1 Nephi 15:18
Descendants of Lehi                              1 Nephi 15:14

All world be blessed through seed:        Acts 3:25
Must obey as Abraham:                         John 8:39
Gathered and Remembered:                  2 Nephi 29:14
Chosen People:                                      Psalms 33:12
Faithful use of Priesthood:                      D&C 84:33-35
Lose blessings if not righteous:              Romans 9:6-8

Lord will remember His covenant:
Moses leading people out of Egypt:       Psalms 105:1-45
Gospel to house of Israel                        3 Nephi 16:11-12   

The covenant God made with Abraham and later reaffirmed with Isaac and Jacob is of transcendent significance.  It contained several promises, including:
·         Jesus the Christ would be born through Abraham’s lineage.
·         Abraham’s posterity would be numerous, entitled to an eternal increase, and also entitled to bear the priesthood.
·         Abraham would become a father of many nations.
·         Certain lands would be inherited by his posterity.
·         All nations of the earth would be blessed by his seed.
·         And that covenant would be everlasting—even through “a thousand generations.”
  Russel M Nelson October 2011 General Conf.

The man Elias brings back “the gospel of Abraham,” the great Abrahamic covenant whereby the faithful receive promises of eternal increase, promises that through celestial marriage their eternal posterity shall be as numerous as the sands upon the seashore or as the stars in heaven for multitude.  Elias gives the promise—received of old by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—that in modern men and in their seed all generations shall be blessed.  And we are now offering the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to all who will receive them.                 
                                  Bruce R. McConkie, April 1983 General Conf.

Ours is the responsibility to help fulfill the Abrahamic covenant.  Ours is the seed foreordained and prepared to bless all people of the world.                                Russell M. Nelson October 2011 General Conf.

A major part of the covenant with Abraham is the promise that through Abraham and his seed all the families of the earth would be blessed.  Paul explains that the Lord Jesus Christ was born into the world through Abraham’s lineage, and since Jesus is the Savior for all mankind, all are thus blessed through Abraham’s seed… Furthermore, the descendants of Abraham bear the holy priesthood and minister the gospel to all nations.

 Robert J. Matthews, Ensign December 1980

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