Stories of Christ: Story 16

Sermon on the Mount:  The Higher Law

OrderDateStoryOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
1620-NovSermon on the Mount (2)SunshineRise above Natural Man, PerfectionMatt 5: 17-48Sermon on the Mount: The Higher LawCelestial Kingdom is what we are aiming forSilent Night


We can rise above the natural man and become the individuals our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ know we can become.  We can be perfect.

Concluding this part of his sermon, Jesus reiterated that the old law was fulfilled in his coming, and that there was now a new order of things--a higher law--to guide our relationships with one another. Then follows the invitation for us to become perfect as Jesus and the Father are perfect... Knowing that becoming perfect through Christ is eventually possible and that the Savior is "pulling for us" is a compelling thought.
Larry E. Dahl; The Higher Law, Ensign February 1991

The Lord has asked us to be perfect to aim for all we can become.  The sun represents the Celestial Kingdom that as we follow the higher law with the Savior's grace we will make it.

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