Stories of Christ

Tell me the Stories of Jesus 
I love to Hear.

"In our world today, each child, each young man and young woman needs his or her own conversion to the truth. Each needs his or her own light, his or her own “steadfast and immovable” faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, independent of parents, youth leaders, and supportive friends.
The stories of Jesus can be like a rushing wind across the embers of faith in the hearts of our children. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”The stories of Jesus shared over and over bring faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strength to the foundation of testimony. Can you think of a more valuable gift for our children?"  ~Neil L. Anderson; April 2010 General Conference 
The past few years we have done a stories of Christ marathon as we come up to Christmas.  The first year it was 25 Days (December), but many good stories and principles were left out.  So now there are 50 stories plus Christmas.  One year we went into January, this year I am planning on starting in November. 
Another option would be to do one a week throughout the year.  A good Sunday activity as a family.  If this was used just ignore the date and ornament and choose an appropriate song.

I have tried to put them in chronological order. Each has a video (most from the bible videos) and an ornament we put on our Christ Christmas Tree.
 I am going to post each story the day before I use each idea, so feel free to use them, or make your own order with your own stories.  The link to this post will be at the top of the blog.

OrderDateTopicOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong
Prophets always testify of Christ
Gospel brings light and joy
B of M 40Jacob 7:11; Hel 14:2-6; 20-25 Samuel the Lamanite on the Wall
Gospel Brings light and allows us to share light. Christ is the source of that light.
Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus CS 36
NT IntroIsaiah 53:2-10Isaiah Writes of Christ's Birth
“Through his prophets on this continent, the Lord told the Nephites before he came into the world that at the time of his birth there would be great lights in heaven, insomuch that the night before his birth there would be no darkness and it would appear to man as if it were day. The record tells us that this is just what happened on this continent at the time of his birth. Christ, the light of the world, was born; the influence of that light permeated the whole earth. And then at the time of his death and crucifixion, as had been prophesied by Samuel the Lamanite, there was darkness upon this continent for three days while Christ’s body lay in the tomb. There was thick darkness over the face of the entire land. The light of Christ had gone out of the world, and darkness, thick darkness, covered the earth. And so it is with our own lives when we have the Spirit of the Lord, which we can only have if we keep his commandments. There is light in our souls; there is joy and happiness. But when we fail to keep the Lord’s commandments and wickedness prevails, darkness comes into our lives, and great is the darkness when the Spirit of the Lord withdraws from us.” Joseph Anderson, The Living Christ, October 1971 General Conference
26-NovMary and Joseph receive angelic visitationsAngel (Tree topper)Trust in GodNT 2 & 4Luke 1:26-38; Alma 7:10Angel comes to MaryAngle appeared to themPicture a Christmas
Mary learned [from the angelic messenger] that she was to be the mother of the Son of God, the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. The child would inherit the physical, mental, and spiritual traits characterized by his parents--one the glorified God; the other a worthy, blessed mortal woman. After receiving the angel's message, Mary; in unreserved obedience, replied, "Be it unto me according to the word." In humbly accepting this opportunity of motherhood, Mary exemplifies the quality of obedience to which all disciples aspire. Joseph, as Mary had done before him, heed the counsel and "did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife." His noble character exemplifies the virtues of faithful obedience as well as of integrity. Susan Easton Black, Mary, His Mother; Ensign Jan 1991
37-NovThe Birth of ChristMangerHumilityNT 5Luke 2:1-7 Mary and Joseph Travel to Bethlehem Mary and JosephChrist Child laid in a MangerAway in a Manger
“We remember with gratitude that night of nights which marked the fulfillment of prophecy when a lowly manger cradled a newborn child. With the birth of the babe in Bethlehem, there emerged a great endowment, a power stronger than weapons, a wealth more lasting than the coins of Caesar. This child, born in such primitive circumstances, was to be the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the promised Messiah—even Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Thomas S. Monson, The Upward Reach, Oct 1993, General Conference
Announcement to the Shepherds
Follow Promptings
NT 5
Luke 2:8-18
 Shepherds Learn of the Birth of Christ
Angel proclaimed the birth to the Shepherds.
Far Far Away on Judea's Plains
A Light Unto All
“Like the shepherds, we must respond immediately, with haste, whenever the Spirit speaks to us. In the words of President Thomas S. Monson, we must “never, never, never postpone following a prompting.” Sometimes after heeding a prompting, we cannot clearly see why we have been guided by the Spirit to act in a certain way. But often, like the shepherds, we see miracles occur, and our faithful response to a prompting is confirmed. We can then take opportunities to share our joy and our witness with others. Doing so can strengthen others’ faith and hope, further confirming our own testimonies and bringing us closer to the Savior and His ways. Elder Patrick Kearon, Come, Let Us Adore Him, Ensign Magazine December 2011
59-NovChrist Child Presented at TemplePresent at TempleTestimony received through Holy GhostNT 6Luke 2:22-38Christ Presented at the TempleFrom VideoHark the Herald Angel Sing HB 209
In obedience to the law of Moses, Joseph and Mary brought the infant Jesus to the temple at Jerusalem after forty days, to present him to the Lord. There, two aged and spiritual temple workers received a witness of his identity and testified of him. Simeon, who had known by revelation from the Holy ghost that he should not taste of death until he had seen the Messiah, took the infant in his arms and testified to his divine mission. Anna, whom the scripture called "a prophetess", recognized the Messiah "and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem." Anna and Simeon were eyewitnesses to the infant, but their knowledge of his divine mission came through the witness of the Holy Ghost. Dalin H. Oaks, October 1990 General Conference
The Three Wisemen
Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit
NT 7
Matt 2:1-12
 The Wise Men Seek Jesus
Brought Gifts to the Lord as a sign of their worship.
With Wondering Awe HB 210
The Reason Behind Christmas
As the Christmas season envelops us with all its glory, may we, as did the Wise Men, seek a bright, particular star to guide us in our celebration of the Savior’s birth. May we all make the journey to Bethlehem in spirit, taking with us a tender, caring heart as our gift to the Savior. May we give as the Savior gave. To give of oneself is a holy gift. We give as a remembrance of all the Savior has given. May we also give gifts that have eternal value, along with our gifts that eventually break or are forgotten. How much better the world would be if we all gave gifts of understanding and compassion, of service and friendship, of kindness and gentleness. President Thomas S. Monson, The Real Joy of Christmas, Dec 2013, Christmas Devotional
711-NovBoy Jesus in the Temple⃝ ScripturesBe about our Father's businessNT 9Luke 2:40-52 Young Jesus Teaches in the Temple Jesus Teaching the Elders in the TempleChrist knew the Lord's word as a young man.Search, Ponder, and Pray CS 109
“Does any other work offer a greater feeling of warmth and personal satisfaction than knowing that we are truly about our Father’s business?... “The message and the gift of Christmas are one and the same thing—it is no less than the gift of eternal life and the message that we can have the opportunity of living with our families in the presence of God throughout all time and all eternity. To be worthy of this valuable gift, we must be willing to give the gift of self. We must be willing to consecrate all that we possess in life to the building up of the kingdom of God. We must dedicate ourselves to the Lord, our families, and our communities in which we live…. “It is our prayer that each of you may understand and appreciate the meaning of Christmas. We want you to know that God lives and that he loves each of you for the willingness in which you serve him. We want you to know that you are about your Father’s business and that is the greatest gift that could be shared with him.” President N. Eldon Tanner, Our Greatest Gift-To Be about Our Father’s Business, Liahona Magazine, December 1980.
812-NovBaptismDoveBaptismNT 10Matt 3:13-17 The Baptism of Jesus John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus The dove represents the Holy Ghost.Baptism CS 100
“Born of a mortal mother, Jesus was baptized to fulfill His Father’s commandment that sons and daughters of God should be baptized. He set the example for all of us to humble ourselves before our Heavenly Father. We are all welcome to come into the waters of baptism. He was baptized to witness to His Father that He would be obedient in keeping His commandments. He was baptized to show us that we should receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (see 2 Nephi 31:4–9). “As we follow the example of Jesus, we, too, demonstrate that we will repent and be obedient in keeping the commandments of our Father in Heaven. We humble ourselves with a broken heart and a contrite spirit as we recognize our sins and seek forgiveness of our trespasses (see 3 Nephi 9:20). We covenant that we are willing to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ and always remember Him.” Elder Robert D. Hales, The Covenant of Baptism, Oct 2000, General Conference
913-NovJesus Turns Water to WineWine or Water JugEveryday miraclesNT 12John 2:1-12Jesus Turns Water into WineThe miracle was water to wineKeep the Commandments
The first miracle by Jesus recorded in the New Testament was the turning of water into wine at the marriage at Cana. But poor, indeed, was the making of the wine in the pots of stone, compared with its original making in the beauty of the vine and the abundance of the swelling grapes. No one could explain the onetime miracle at the wedding feast, but then neither could they explain the everyday miracle of the splendor of the vineyard itself... Once we start to recognize the many miraculous and blessed manifestations of God and Christ in our lives--the everyday variety as well as restored sight to the blind and restored hearing to the deaf-- we may be truly bewildered at the unexplainable principles and processes that bring about such wonders. Howard W. Hunter; April 1989 General Conference
Cleanses the Temple
Standing for Truth/ Boundaries
NT 13
John 2:13-17
Dare to Stand Alone
North Star Constant as are Standards
Stand for Right CS 159
Jesus Cleanses the Temple
“The Lord drew boundary lines to define acceptable limits of tolerance. Danger rises when those divine limits are disobeyed. Just as parents teach little children not to run and play in the street, the Savior taught us that we need not tolerate evil. “Jesus went into the temple of God, and … and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers.” Though He loved the sinner, the Lord said that He “cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance”… Elder Russell M. Nelson, Teach Us Tolerance and Love, April 1994 General Conference
President Gordon B. Hinckley tells of an experience he had as a boy lying in the bed of an old farm wagon at night with his brother Sherman. They “looked at the myriads of stars in the heavens, and took turns picking out familiar stars and tracing the Big Dipper, the handle and the cup, to find the North Star.” President Hinckley said he was fascinated by the North Star. Regardless of the earth’s rotation, the North Star maintained its position in the heavens and never moved. He said: “I recognized it as a constant in the midst of change. It was something that could always be counted on, something that was dependable, an anchor in what otherwise appeared to be a moving and unstable firmament.”
Fix your gaze on the unchanging standards of the gospel. . .
In the For the Strength of Youth booklet, the following standards, among others, are like a North Star to you: choose friends with high standards, do not disfigure your body with tattoos or body piercings, avoid pornography, do not listen to music that contains offensive language, do not use profanity, date only those who have high standards, remain sexually pure, repent as necessary, be honest, keep the Sabbath day holy, pay tithing, keep the Word of Wisdom. Earl C. Tingey; April 2004, General Conference
1115-NovNicodemusButterfly or Dragon flyBorn againNT 14John 3:1-21Jesus Teaches Nicodemus of Being Born AgainFrom QuoteJoy to the World HB 201
The intellectual Nicodemus was impressed with the miracles of Jesus; but even with extensive knowledge of the scriptures, he could not grasp the doctrine of spiritual rebirth, the transformation of the human soul, what it means to be born again. Nature provides some striking parallels. Cecil B. DeMille shared this experience: "One day as I was lying in a canoe, a big black beetle... climbed up to the canoe. I watched it idly for some time. Under the hear of the sun , the beetle proceeded to die. Then a strange thing happened. His glistening black shell cracked all the way down the back. Out of it came a shapeless mass, quickly transformed into beautifully, brilliantly-colored life... There gradually unfolded iridescent wings from which the sunlight flashed a thousand colors ... The blue-green body took shape. Before my yes had occurred a metamorphosis--the transformation of a hideous beetle into a gorgeous dragonfly ...I had witnessed ... a miracle. Out of the mud had come a beautiful new life. And the thought came to me that if the Creator works such wonders with the lowliest of creatures, what may not be in store for the human spirit!" My testimony today is that through Jesus Christ we can be born again. We can change. We can change completely. And we can stay changed. J. Richard Clarke; April 1993, General Conference
1216-NovSamaritan WomanRain DropsLiving WaterNT 15John 4:5-26Jesus Teaches a Samaritan WomanLiving WaterGive Said the Little Stream CS 236
In commenting on the conversation between the Savior and the woman [at the well], Elder Robert L. Simpson taught: Throughout history men have always been looking for the easy way. [Some] have devoted their lives to finding the 'fountain of youth,' a miracle water which would bring everlasting life. Today [many] are still seeking … some magic 'fountain' that [will] bring forth success, fulfillment, and happiness. but most of the searching is in vain. ... It is only this 'living water,' the gospel of Jesus Christ, that can and will bring a happy, a successful, and an everlasting life to the children of men." The Savior's promise to that woman extends to all of our Heavenly Father's children. By living the gospel of Jesus Christ, we develop within ourselves a living spring that will quench eternally our thirst for happiness, peace, and everlasting life. Joseph B. Wirthlin; April 1995, General Conference
Jesus Chooses His Apostles
⃝ Fish
Follow Him, leave nets behind
NT 18
Luke 5:1-11; 6:12-16 Follow Me, I Will Make You Fishers of Men
The Lord invited them to be Fisher's of men.
Come Follow Me HB 116
Matthew 4:18-22The Calling of the Original Twelve Apostles
“Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to have lived in the days of the Savior? If you had been there, would you have heeded His call “Follow me”? Perhaps a more realistic question might be, “If the Savior were to call you today, would you be just as willing to leave your nets and follow Him?” I am confident that many would. But for some, it may not be such an easy decision. Some have discovered that nets, by their very nature, are sometimes not so easy to leave…. %“Nets are generally defined as devices for capturing something. In a more narrow but more important sense, we might define a net as anything that entices or prevents us from following the call of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Nets in this context can be our work, our hobbies, our pleasures, and, above all else, our temptations and sins. In short, a net can be anything that pulls us away from our relationship with our Heavenly Father or from His restored Church…. %As Jesus the Christ stood on the shores of the Sea of Galilee 2,000 years ago, so stands He today, issuing the same call He gave to those faithful fishermen and now to all who will hear His voice: “Follow me!” We have nets that must be tended and nets that must be mended. But when the Master of ocean, earth, and sky calls to us, “Follow me,” we should leave the entangling, worldly nets behind and follow His footsteps.” Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, Follow Me, May 2002 Ensign Magazine
1418-NovJesus Declare He is the Messiah⃝ Jesus ChristDo not fight against GodNT 17Luke 4: 15-30Jesus Declares He is the MessiahHE declares who He isI will Follow God's Plan CS 164
As Jesus stood in his hometown synagogue at Nazareth and discussed this prophecy in gracious words, how eagerly he must have yearned for his startled friends and neighbors to understand how God had anointed One in their midst to minister to their greatest needs. (See Luke 4:16–22.) Whoever among them understood Isaiah would know also why Jesus would work with sinners, sacrifice his life, and feed the hungry and thirsty with the bread of life and living water. The divine Messiah was to be the Savior who gathers those who are lost, comforts those who mourn, looses those who are bound, and heals those who are sick. Having applied this prophecy to himself, all one had to do to test the divinity of Jesus’ calling was to see how well his ministry corresponded to this prophecy to see whether he truly was the anointed One. He challenged John’s disciples and any would-be-believer to come and see. Kieth Meservy; April 1987 Ensign
After one of his journeys in Palestine, Jesus came to his own city and taught in the synagogue on the Sabbath day. Those who heard him were astonished at his doctrine, but they were also offended. He had been their neighbor, and they resented his assuming to teach them. They said: "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us?" Jesus was grieved at their rejection of him and "marveled because of their unbelief." It was then that he said, "A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house." But he was rebuffed not only in Nazareth, By the end of his ministry, it seemed that nearly the whole country had turned against him. As he contemplated his rejection in Jerusalem, he looked down upon the city and said, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, ... how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!" (Matt 23:37) And then he foretold the result of their rejection ... He said, "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate... And what is the lesson in all of this? It is that no people can fight God and live! Mark E. Petersen, October 1979, General Conference
1519-NovSermon on the MountRulerExampleNT 19Matt 5:1-16; 48 Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes Sermon on the MountChrist's example is our measuring stick.I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus CS 78
As a unit the Beatitudes may be looked upon as a complete set of laws to bring about perfection... The challenge of the Beatitudes is a celestial challenge, and applying them in our lives leads to eternal life. Dr. Monte S. Nyman, “I Have a Question”, Ensign, December 1974
1620-NovSermon on the Mount (2)SunshineRise above Natural Man, PerfectionMatt 5: 17-48Sermon on the Mount: The Higher LawCelestial Kingdom is what we are aiming forSilent Night
Concluding this part of his sermon, Jesus reiterated that the old law was fulfilled in his coming, and that there was now a new order of things--a higher law--to guide our relationships with one another. Then follows the invitation for us to become perfect as Jesus and the Father are perfect... Knowing that becoming perfect through Christ is eventually possible and that the Savior is "pulling for us" is a compelling thought. Larry E. Dahl; The Higher Law, Ensign February 1991
1721-NovSermon on the Mount (3)Family PrayingPrayerMatt 6:1-13Sermon on the Mount: The Lord's PrayerPrayerI love to Pray CS 25
Little children, young people, and adults alike, please believe how very much your loving Heavenly Father wants to bless you. But because He will not infringe upon our agency, we must ask for His help. This is generally done through prayer. Prayer is one of the most precious gifts of God to man. J. Devin Cornish; October 2011, General Conference (After this quote the Lord's Prayer is outlined with lessons from each phrase)
Sermon on the Mount (4)
Enduring Trials
Matt 6:19-21Build on the Rock of Our Redeemer
Our home must be built upon the Rock of our Redeemer.
The Wise Man and the Foolish Man. CS 281
Matt 7: -27Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven
Our journey through life has periods of both good times and bad. Each presents different challenges. How we learn to adjust to the changes which come along depends on the foundation on which we build. The gospel of our Lord and Savior provides a sure and solid foundation. It is constructed piece by piece as we gain knowledge of the Lord’s eternal plan for His children. The Savior is the Master Teacher. We follow Him. Elder L. Tom Perry, Finding Lasting Peace and Building Eternal Families, October 2014 General Conference
1923-NovForgives Sin and Heals Body of ManSnowflakeJesus Power to ForgiveMark 2:1-12Man lowered through roofWhite as snow after forgivenO Little Town of Bethlehem
A bedridden, paralyzed man desiring to be healed was brought to a large gathering, but unable to get him close to the Savior, his friends took him to the roof of the house where the Savior was and lowered him down. Seeing this demonstration of faith, with great purpose not yet known to His listeners, the Savior declared, "Man, they sins are forgiven thee." ... The Savior knew that many people followed Him because of His mighty miracles. Already He had turned water to wine, cast out unclean spirits, and healed the nobleman's son, a leper, Peter's mother-in-law, and many others. But with this paralyzed man, the Lord chose to give evidence to both disciple and detractor of His unique role as Savior of the world. Craig A. Cardon; April 2013, General Conference
2024-NovParable of the SowerSeedsPrepare our hearts to hearMatt 13:1-23Parable of the Sowerparable of seedsTeach Me to Walk in the Light
The parable of the sower warns us of circumstances and attitudes that can keep anyone who has received the seed of the gospel message from bringing forth a goodly harvest... We have the seed of the gospel word. It is up to each of us to set the priorities and to do the things that make our soil good and our harvest plentiful. We must seek to be firmly rooted and converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We achieve this conversion by praying, by scripture reading, by serving , and by regularly partaking of the sacrament to always have His Spirit to be with us. We must also seek that mighty change of hear that replaces evil desires and selfish concerns with the love of God and the desire to serve Him and His children. Dallin H. Oaks; April 2015, General Conference
Raises Daughter of Jairus
Power over Death
Mark 5: 22-24, 35-43Raises Daughter of Jairus
Power over the grave
The Priesthood is Restored
Raises Son of Widow of NainLuke 7:1-16Raises Son of Widow of Nain
"An [Jairus] besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death." … Then comes a great acknowledgement of faith: "I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live." These are not only the words of faith of a father torn with grief but are also a reminder to us that whatever Jesus lays his hands upon lives. It Jesus lays his hands upon a marriage, it lives. If he is allowed to lay his hands on the family, it lives. Howard W. Hunter; October 1979, General Conference
2226-NovStilling the Storm⃝ BoatFaith in ChristNT 21Matt 8:23-27 Calming the TempestStilling the StormThe boat was tossed to and fro.Master the Tempest is Raging HB 105
In turbulent and sometimes frightening times, the Savior's promise of infinite and eternal peace resonates with special power to us, just as His ability to calm the crashing waves must have profoundly affected those who were with Him on the Sea of Galilee that stormy night so long ago." M. Russell Ballard; April 2002, General Conference
2327-NovWoman Touches Jesus's ClothesButton WreathFaith = ActionNT 25Mark 5:25-34Jesus Heals a Woman of FaithJesus Heals woman who touches his clothesButton and Cloth representng ClothesFaith CS 96
A “certain woman” made that choice and felt His touch. “And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, “Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched… I have asked myself what might have happened if this woman with the issue of blood had not believed in the Savior enough to make whatever effort was necessary to touch the border of His robe. In that throng I imagine getting even that close to Him took some doing. Yet, “nothing wavering,” she persisted. %In like manner, we must demonstrate that faith in the Lord has penetrated our hearts deeply enough to move us to action.” Anne C. Pingree, To Look, Reach, and Come unto Christ, October 2006 General Conference
2428-NovJesus Forgives a Woman"Joy"RepentanceNT 26Luke 7:36-50Come unto Me Starting at 4:17Repentance brings PEACESweet is the Peace HB 14
“There are many degrees of personal worthiness and righteousness. Yet repentance is a blessing to all of us. We each need to feel the Savior’s arms of mercy through the forgiveness of our sins. “I am amazed at the Savior’s encircling arms of mercy and love for the repentant, no matter how selfish the forsaken sin. I testify that the Savior is able and eager to forgive our sins. Except for the sins of those few who choose perdition after having known a fullness, there is no sin that cannot be forgiven. What a marvelous privilege for each of us to turn away from our sins and to come unto Christ. Divine forgiveness is one of the sweetest fruits of the gospel, removing guilt and pain from our hearts and replacing them with joy and peace of conscience” Elder Neil L. Anderson “Repent … That I May Heal You,” Oct 2009, General Conference
2529-NovFeeds 5000FlagsMissionary WorkNT 28 & 30Matt 14:14-21 The Feeding of the 5,000Loaves and Fishes MiracleMissionary work to all the worldI Hope They Call Me on a Mission CS 169
“Today, some may think the miracle of the loaves and fishes is only an ancient story and is not relevant in our day. In so doing, they miss the point of this miraculous story and do not understand the significance of the “bread of life”… “Knowing that Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life—the way by which all can receive eternal life—we have an important responsibility. We should seek to help people come to Him and partake of His word, like the people who were filled with the loaves and fishes. Our friends may not know they are hungry in spirit. They may try to consume many things to satisfy their spiritual hunger, and as a result, they may feel frustrated and lost. Let us help them know how they can be spiritually filled—by coming unto Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life.” Elder Won Kong You, Lessons from the New Testament: Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, Ensign, March 2007
2630-NovWalking on the Water⃝ FootprintFocus/ PrioritiesNT 29Matt 14:22-23 Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?Jesus rescuing PeterThe footprint of the Lord who walked on water.Abide with Me HB 166
Peter chose to believe in Jesus. He asked Jesus if he could come to Him, and he really did walk on the water. But when he began to pay more attention to what was happening around him, “the wind boisterous,” he began to sink. What are the winds boisterous in our lives? What are the things that distract us from the Savior, that turn our hearts and our minds away from Him? It may be thinking more about pleasing our friends or other people than we do about pleasing God. It may be the loud and confusing voices we hear on TV, in videos, in music. Sometimes we just don’t care. Our hearts are hard. There will always be distractions, winds boisterous, but if we choose to turn to the Lord, to believe in Him, to follow Him, we can increase our faith. When Peter began to sink, he turned to the Lord and cried out, “Lord, save me,” and Jesus immediately “stretched forth his hand, and caught him.” He will do that for you. He will do that for each one of us. Patricia P. Pinegar, Increase in Faith, April 1994, General Conference
271-DecPeter Testifies of ChristCHRISTTestimonyNT 32Matt 16:13-17Thou Art the ChristWe must receive a testimony of CHRIST through the spirit.I Lived in Heaven CS 4
One of the greatest things about our Heavenly Father’s plan for His children is that each of us can know the truth of that plan for ourselves. That revealed knowledge does not come from books, from scientific proof, or from intellectual pondering. As with the Apostle Peter, we can receive that knowledge directly from our Heavenly Father through the witness of the Holy Ghost. Dallin H. Oaks, Testimony, April 2008 General Conference
Heals a Man on the Sabbath
Sabbath Day Observance
NT 27
John 5: 2-12
Heals man on Sabbath Day; Kids explain
Rest on the 7th day.
I Feel My Savior's Love
Jesus Heals on Sabbath
No law in all scripture has been more clearly defined than that of the Sabbath. … It is one of the laws most dear to the heart of God. Yet is noted far more in its desecration than in its acceptance and proper observance. We constantly talk about he worldliness of the present day ... What can we do to protect ourselves under these hazardous circumstances? How can we better help our young people to remain unspotted from the world? The Lord gives us the answer, and says that it can be done by sincerely observing the Sabbath day. ... The Lord does know what he is talking about. Sabbath observance will help us to more fully remain unspotted from the world. If we are serious about avoiding the contamination of worldliness, shall we not take his word at face value and believe it and practice it? Mark E. Petersen; April 1975, General Conference
293-DecForgive 70 times 7 Parable as well"Peace"Forgive others70 Times 7Peace comes from forgivingLord I would Follow Thee HB 220
Those of you who can multiply know that 70 x 7 = 490! What a large number! Did Jesus really mean that Peter should forgive a person 490 times? … Elder James E. Talmage, and Apostle in our time, tells us that Jesus meant that Peter --and all of us-- should be willing to always forgive. Why is forgiving others so important? When Jesus told Peter to forgive seventy times seven, was he thinking only of the person being forgiven, or was he thinking of Peter, too? Would forgiving other help Peter feel peace? Yes! Jesus know that Peter would be blessed with a feeling of peace each time he truly forgave someone. Forgiving brings peace to those who forgive as well as to those who are forgiven. Jesus taught that we should forgive and be kid to one another, and he set the example for us. Judy Edwards, Sharing Time: I Forgive You; September 1994, Ensign
30Dec 4Good Shepherd and Other SheepSheepKnow Christ's VoiceNT 40John 10:1-18Good ShepherdWe must listen to the shepherds voice.The First Noel
I have seen lambs lost in a moving herd of sheep. A great chorus of voices rises from the herd, but each lamb listens for the one voice that can guide it. The Savior used this ageless example in the allegory of the Good Shepherd. "The sheep hear his voice: ... and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, ... for they know not the voice of strangers." From among the chorus of voices we hear in mortality, we must recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd, who calls us to follow him toward our heavenly home. Dallin H. Oaks; April 1989, General conference
315-DecParable of Good SamaritanHeartServiceNT 35Luke 10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan The Good SamaritanA heart full of Good Samaritanism is always needed.Give Said the Little Stream CS 236
“Good Samaritanism is contagious. Providing in the Lord’s way humbles the rich, it exalts the poor, and sanctifies both (see D&C 104:15–18). The giver helps those in need by sharing what he has received. The receiver accepts the offering with gratitude. As the receiver rises to his full potential, he then is able to reach out to help others. “Good Samaritanism starts in the home as parents teach children by example and precept. Acts of assistance, kindness, and concern among family members reinforce the desire to “go, and do thou likewise.”... “To help relieve suffering is to cultivate a Christlike character. We are charged, as were those who listened at the feet of the Savior 2,000 years ago, to “go, and do thou likewise.” The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that it is our responsibility “to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to provide for the widow, to dry up the tear of the orphan, to comfort the afflicted, whether in this church or in any other, or in no church at all, wherever he finds them” (Times and Seasons, 15 Mar. 1842, 732). “May we be generous with our time and liberal in our contributions for the care of those who suffer. May we commit to the principles of Good Samaritanism and be ever mindful of the need to “go, and do thou likewise,” I pray in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen." David Burton, Go and Do Thou Likewise, May 1997, Ensign Magazine
Ten Lepers
NT 37
Luke 17:11-19
Give Thanks
Lepers rang to warn people to stay away, and the joy that comes from gratitude.
My Heavenly Father Loves Me CS 228
Thanksgiving Daily
As I’ve read that story again and again, it’s made a great impression upon me. How would you like to be part of the “nine society”? Wouldn’t that be something—to be numbered among those who failed to return and acknowledge the Savior for the blessings He had given them? Only one returned. It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives. But we sometimes take them for granted. How grateful we should be for the blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our hearts and souls. I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do it with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath. As that gratitude is magnified and developed and expanded, it can bless our hearts and our minds and our souls to where we’d like to continue to carry on and do those things that we are asked to do. David B Haight, Were There Not Ten Cleansed, Oct 2002, General Conference
Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son
There is always a way home.
NT 36
Luke 15:3-10 Jesus Declares the Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Lost Lamb
We can always find a way back. Theteachings of Christ are a compass
Listen, Listen CS 107
Prodigal Son
“Now, if for any reason you individually or as a family have lost your way, then you need only apply the Savior’s teachings from Luke, chapter 15, to correct your course. Here the Savior tells of the effort of a shepherd searching for his lost sheep, of a woman searching for a lost coin, and of the welcome received by the prodigal son returning home. Why did Jesus teach these parables? He wanted us to know that none of us will ever be so lost that we cannot find our way again through His Atonement and His teachings. As you seek to live the gospel and doctrine of Christ, the Holy Ghost will guide you and your family. You will have a spiritual GPS to tell you always where you are and where you are going.” M. Russell Ballard, That the Lost May be Found, Ensign Magazine May 2012
348-DecPharisees Vs PublicansBlack and WhitePrideNT 38Luke 18: 9-14Pharisees vs PublicanTwo extremes what kind of man will I be?Be Thou Humble HB 130
Humility is an attribute of godliness possessed by true Saints. It is easy to understand why a proud man fails. He is content to rely upon himself only. This is evident in those who seek social position or who push others aside to gain position in fields of business, government, education, sports, or other endeavors. Our genuine concern should be for the success of others. The proud man shuts himself off from God, and when he does he no longer lives in the light. ... From the beginning of time there have been those with pride and others who have followed divine admonition to be humble. History bears record that those who have exalted themselves have been abased, but the humble have been exalted. On every busy street there are Pharisees and publicans. It may be that one of them bears our name. Howard W. Hunter; April 1984, General Conference
Suffer the Little Children/ Become as little children
⃝ Christ w/ Children
Jesus Loves the Children
NT 41
Matt 18:1-11; Mark 9:38-42Become as little children
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Luke 18:15-17Little Children Come unto MeI like this video
Children are the past, the present, and the future all blended into one. They are consummately precious. Every time a child is born, the world is renewed in innocence. … There is in the scriptures, there is in what we publish, there is in what we believe, there is in what we teach, counsel, commandments, even warnings that we are to protect, to love, to care for, and to "teach [children] to walk in the ways of truth." To betray them is utterly unthinkable. Boyd K. Packer; April 2002, General Conference
3610-DecChrist and the Rich Young RulerSewing NeedleDoingNT 42Matt 19:16-26The Rich Young Rulerfit through the eye of the needle by doingDo As I'm Doing
Let's consider the New Testament account of the rich young ruler. He was a righteous young man who was already keeping the Ten Commandments, but he wanted to become better. His goal was eternal life. When he met the Savior, he asked, "What lack I yet?" Jesus answered immediately, giving counsel that was intended specifically for the rich young man. "Jesus said unto him, if thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast,, and give to the poor, and come and follow me." The young man was stunned; he had never considered such a sacrifice. He was humble enough to ask the Lord but not faithful enough to follow the divine counsel he was given. We must be willing to act when we receive an answer. Larry R. Lawrence; October 2015, General Conference
3711-DecMary & Martha⃝ ClockPrioritiesLuke 10:38-42 Moments That Matter Most Christ in the Home of Mary and MarthaWe must use the time we have wisely and put the Lord's work first.Choose the Right Way CS 160
“My dear brothers and sisters, we would do well to slow down a little, proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most. Let us be mindful of the foundational precepts our Heavenly Father has given to His children that will establish the basis of a rich and fruitful mortal life with promises of eternal happiness. They will teach us to do “all these things … in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that [we] should run faster than [we have] strength. [But] it is expedient that [we] should be diligent, [and] thereby … win the prize.” “Brothers and sisters, diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world. That is why “we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ,… that [we] may know to what source [we] may look for a remission of [our] sins.” In the complexity, confusion, and rush of modern living, this is the “more excellent way.” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Of Things That Matter Most, Ensign Magazine November 2010
3812-DecTriumphal Entry/ Christ's Words on Second ComingRocking HorseSecond ComingNT 44 & 46Matt 21:1-13 The Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem Triumphal EntryThe Lord road in on a donkey.It Came Upon a Midnight Clear HB 207
The triumphal entry, remembered today on Palm Sunday, provides a joyful prelude to the many sad events that would intervene between this point and the miracle of the empty tomb. It represents one of the few times during His mortal ministry when Jesus was recognized as the king He is. However, the triumphal entry also serves as a symbol of Jesus’s Second Coming, allowing us to look forward to the day when He will return in glory and all will accept Him as king. Eric D. Hutsman, “Reflections on the Savior’s Last Week” Ensign April 2009
3913-DecWidow's MiteTaiwan One CoinSacrifice/TithingNT 45Mark 12:41-44 Jesus Teaches about the Widows Mite Love GodWidow's MiteBecause I Have Been Given Much HB 219
Be assured that these blessings are poured out equally upon rich and poor alike. As the hymn says, it is “sacrifice [that] brings forth the blessings of heaven,” not the sum of our contributions. Members who freely give a full 10 percent of their annual income receive all of the promised blessings of tithing, whether the amount is a widow’s mite or a king’s ransom. Robert D. Hales, Tithing: A Test of Faith with Eternal Blessings, Oct 2002 General Conference
4014-DecGreat Commandments"Love"Love Lord and NeighborMatt 22:34-40 Mark 12:28-34The Greatest Commandment Love God and your Neighbor.Kindness Begins with Me CS145
Our eternal progression leans heavily on the degree to which we love… We can best demonstrate our love to God by keeping His commandments. And we can show our love to God and neighbor by charitable acts of service… If we are obedient to the commandment of love, there will be no disputations, contention, nor hatred between nor among us. We will not speak ill of one another but will treat each other with kindness and respect, realizing that each of us is a child of God… %Given the purpose of our existence, if we do not love God and neighbor, whatever else we do will be of little eternal consequence. Robert F. Orton, The First and Great Commandment, Oct 2001 General Conference
Parable of the ten virgins
⃝ Got Oil
NT 47
Matt 25:1-13
The Ten Virgins
We must fill our lamps, Ask "Got Oil?"
Seek the Lord Early CS 108
Sanctify Yourselves
As the wise virgins emphasized properly, each of us must “buy for ourselves.” These inspired women were not describing a business transaction; rather, they were emphasizing our individual responsibility to keep our lamp of testimony burning and to obtain an ample supply of the oil of conversion. This precious oil is acquired one drop at a time—“line upon line [and] precept upon precept” (2 Nephi 28:30), patiently and persistently. No shortcut is available; no last-minute flurry of preparation is possible. %“Wherefore, be faithful, praying always, having your lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be ready at the coming of the Bridegroom” (D&C 33:17). David A. Bednar, Converted Unto the Lord, Oct 2012 General Conference
4216-DecParable of TalentsBag with coinsDevelop GiftsNT 48Matt 25:14-30The Parable of the TalentsThe Lord gives us each a bag of talents, we must develop them.I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go HB 270
The Lord entrusts all of His servants, including every priesthood holder, with spiritual talents. The Lord, who endows us with these talents, tells us: “I believe you can. I believe you can.” While we are not all equal in experience, aptitude, and strength, we have different opportunities to employ these spiritual gifts, and we will all be accountable for the use of the gifts and opportunities given to us. James E. Faust, I Believe I Can, I Knew I Could, October 2002, General Conference
Last Supper
Sacrament Cups
NT 49&50
Luke 22:14-20  Jesus Washing the Apostles Feet
The Sacrament Cups remind us of the Sacred Ordinance.
To Think About Jesus CS 71
John 13:4-15The Last Supper
The weekly opportunity of partaking of the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is one of the most sacred ordinances of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and is further indication of His love for all of us… The sacrament is one ordinance that allows us to experience a personal relationship to God and enlarges our knowledge and understanding of Him and His Only Begotten Son. Our personal reward for compliance with the covenants and obligations in the ordinance of the sacrament becomes the companionship of God’s Holy Spirit. This is the light that leads to eternal life. The divine virtues associated with the partaking of the Lord’s Supper are to keep His divine life ever in mind; to love the Lord with all our heart, might, mind, and strength; and to labor to bring to pass His ultimate purpose—the eternal life of man. David B. Haight, Sacrament, April 1983, General Conference
NT 51
Matt 26:36-45
Garden of Gethsemane was full of trees
He Sent His Son CS 34
D&C 19:16-19
There in the quiet isolation of the Garden of Gethsemane, He knelt among the gnarled olive trees, and in some incredible way that none of us can fully comprehend, the Savior took upon Himself the sins of the world. Even though His life was pure and free of sin, He paid the ultimate penalty for sin—yours, mine, and everyone who has ever lived. His mental, emotional, and spiritual anguish were so great they caused Him to bleed from every pore (see Luke 22:44; D&C 19:18). And yet Jesus suffered willingly so that we might all have the opportunity to be washed clean—through having faith in Him, repenting of our sins, being baptized by proper priesthood authority, receiving the purifying gift of the Holy Ghost by confirmation, and accepting all other essential ordinances. Without the Atonement of the Lord, none of these blessings would be available to us, and we could not become worthy and prepared to return to dwell in the presence of God. M. Russell Ballard, The Atonement and the Value of One Soul, April 2004, General Conference
Way of Suffering/ Crucifixion
NT 53
Luke 23:33-46None Were With Him
Holly's sharp leaves represent the crown of thorns. The red berries represent his blood.
I Stand All Amazed HB 193
50-56Jesus is Laid in a Tomb
“Brothers and sisters, one of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so. His solitary journey brought great company for our little version of that path—the merciful care of our Father in Heaven, the unfailing companionship of this Beloved Son, the consummate gift of the Holy Ghost, angels in heaven, family members on both sides of the veil, prophets and apostles, teachers, leaders, friends. All of these and more have been given as companions for our mortal journey because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of His gospel. Trumpeted from the summit of Calvary is the truth that we will never be left alone nor unaided, even if sometimes we may feel that we are. Truly the Redeemer of us all said: “I will not leave you comfortless: [My Father and] I will come to you [and abide with you].” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, None Were With Him, April 2009, General Conference
⃝ Christ's Hand
NT 54
John 20:1-20
 Jesus is Resurrected
From Christus Statue a reminder of the risen Lord.
Did Jesus Really Live Again CS 64
His Sacred Name an Easter Declaration
“These simple words—“He is not here, but is risen”—have become the most profound in all literature. They are the declaration of the empty tomb. They are the fulfillment of all He had spoken concerning rising again. They are the triumphant response to the query facing every man, woman, and child who was ever born to earth. “The risen Lord spoke to Mary, and she replied. He was not an apparition. This was not imagination. He was real, as real as He had been in mortal life. He did not permit her to touch Him. He had not yet ascended to His Father in Heaven. That would happen shortly. What a reunion it must have been, to be embraced by the Father, who loved Him and who also must have wept for Him during His hours of agony.” President Gordon B. Hinckley, He Is Not Here, but Is Risen, April 1999 General Conference
Appearance to Nephites
Book of Mormon
B of M 43 - 47
3 Ne 17:5-24 Jesus Christ Visits the America's
The Lord visited specifically with the Nephite children.
I am a Child of God HB
3 Ne 11:1-15 Jesus Christ Appears to the Nephites
Remember that before the Savior’s appearance, there were tempests, earthquakes, fires, and three days of profound darkness (see 3 Nephi 8). I have often thought about the children who experienced these events. And I can only imagine the fear and concern in the hearts of the parents. And then the Savior appeared and commanded the multitude “that their little children should be brought” to Him (3 Nephi 17:11). How eager those parents must have been to bring their children to the Savior. And then they watched as the Savior wept over their children, blessed them one by one, prayed unto the Father for them, and called down angels to minister unto them (see 3 Nephi 17:21, 24). This account reminds us that it is the Savior who is the great protector, the ultimate teacher, and the eternal source of love and healing. As the darkness of this day surrounds us, we are also commanded to bring our children to the Savior, and as Elder Ballard has reminded us, “we are the ones God has appointed to encircle today’s children with love and the fire of faith and an understanding of who they are” Margaret S. Liffereth, Behold Your Little Ones, Oct 2006, General Conference
Apostles see Risen Lord
⃝ Fire
Holy Ghost
Luke 24:13-32Christ Appears on the Road to Emmaus
Do our hearts burn within us?
The Still, Small Voice CS 106
John 20: 24-29Doubting Thomas
“In our walks along the road called life, in our study of the words of Luke and the other Gospel writers, we too rejoice in those treasured moments with the Lord. And in seeking to live in accordance with his commandments, and in studying his word, we might say, as the two disciples said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?” (Luke 24:32). Our hearts do burn and ever shall, so long as we do the will of the Lord, so long as we read Luke, and the others, with an eye and a heart single to the glory of our God and the miracle of his Son.” Neal E. Lambert and Richard H. Cracroft, The Powerful Voices of the Gospels, New Era Magazine, January 1973
4923-DecAscension into HeavenChristmas TreeWitness of ChristNT 55Acts 1:8-11For God So Loved the World The Ascension of ChristThe needles on a tree point upward reminding us to look up and forward to His return. Witnessing to others that he will return.The Church of Jesus Christ CS 77
We serve as witnesses of Jesus Christ through our baptism, our membership in his Church, our partaking of the sacrament, and our prayers and other actions in his name. But our duty to be witnesses of Jesus Christ requires more than this, and I fear that some of us fall short. Latter-day Saints can become so preoccupied with our own agendas that we can forget to witness and testify of Christ… How do members become witnesses? The original Apostles were eyewitnesses to the ministry and resurrection of the Savior. He told them, “Ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” However, he cautioned them that their witnessing would be after they had received the Holy Ghost. An eyewitness was not enough. Even the witness and testimony of the original Apostles had to be rooted in the testimony of the Holy Ghost. Dallin H. Oaks, Witnesses of Christ, Oct 1990, General Conference
5024-DecLater-Day Prophets Testify of ChristFirst PresidencyContinuing RevelationDC 26 & 33D&C 76:22-24He Lives: Testimonies of Jesus ChristCurrent General LeadersFollowing Prophets and Christ bring PeaceJesus Once Humble Birth
“There is no better time than now, this very Christmas season, for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the principles taught by Jesus Christ. “Because He came to earth, we have a perfect example to follow. As we strive to become more like Him, we will have joy and happiness in our lives and peace each day of the year. It is His example which, if followed, stirs within us more kindness and love, more respect and concern for others. “Because He came, there is meaning to our mortal existence. “Because He came, we know how to reach out to those in trouble or distress, wherever they may be. “Because He came, death has lost its sting, the grave its victory. We will live again because He came. “Because He came and paid for our sins, we have the opportunity to gain eternal life.” President Thomas S. Monson, Because He Came, Dec. 2011, Christmas Devotional
25-DecChristmas messageGlad Tidings of Great Joy: The Birth of Jesus ChristNativity Song CHB 52

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