Stories of Christ: Story 1

Prophets Testify of Christ

Story 1 is a great introduction to the idea of the many stories of Jesus.  

The Principle taught is that all prophets, including Isaiah and Samuel the Lamanite, prophesied that Jesus Christ would come and that he would be our Savior.   

OrderDateTopicOrnamentPrinciple taughtScripture ReaderScripture ReferenceVideoPictureWhy that OrnamentSong

Prophets always testify of Christ
Gospel brings light and joy
B of M 40Jacob 7:11; Hel 14:2-6; 20-25 Samuel the Lamanite on the Wall
Gospel Brings light and allows us to share light. Christ is the source of that light.
Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus CS 36
NT IntroIsaiah 53:2-10Isaiah Writes of Christ's Birth

The video demonstrates many of the stories of Jesus in relation to the prophecies of Isaiah. 

The quote ties in the prophecy of Samuel the Lamanite (a Book of Mormon prophet).  It also lends itself well to the ornament of the day/ lights.

“Through his prophets on this continent, the Lord told the Nephites before he came into the world that at the time of his birth there would be great lights in heaven, insomuch that the night before his birth there would be no darkness and it would appear to man as if it were day. The record tells us that this is just what happened on this continent at the time of his birth. Christ, the light of the world, was born; the influence of that light permeated the whole earth. And then at the time of his death and crucifixion, as had been prophesied by Samuel the Lamanite, there was darkness upon this continent for three days while Christ’s body lay in the tomb. There was thick darkness over the face of the entire land. The light of Christ had gone out of the world, and darkness, thick darkness, covered the earth. 
And so it is with our own lives when we have the Spirit of the Lord, which we can only have if we keep his commandments. There is light in our souls; there is joy and happiness. But when we fail to keep the Lord’s commandments and wickedness prevails, darkness comes into our lives, and great is the darkness when the Spirit of the Lord withdraws from us.” 
Joseph Anderson, The Living Christ, October 1971 General Conference

The lights are put on the tree as a reminder that Jesus Christ, whom all the prophets testifies, is the light of the world.

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